Speed Development – 5 September – Downhill Reps

2 September 2024 - By Jodee Mayer

We are kicking off our cross country focused training block with downhill training.

Whilst this may seem counter-intuitive, as running uphill is clearly much harder, running downhill with good form could mean overtaking a few places – and hopefully mean no injury!

Please meet at the bottom junction of Armond Road/ Chelmer Road (///acquaint.spreads.woke) for 7.30pm, having done a warm up of at least 10 minutes (1-2 miles is ideal).

If possible, please park away from the residential area and do your warm up jog to the meeting point – Morrisons, Asda, or Spa Road would work, but please check parking restrictions.

We will aim to get started at 7:30pm with drills and then will jog up to the the top of the hill to start.

The session will be continuous downhill reps at pace with walk/ jog recoveries up the hill. Recoveries should ideally start at a walk building up to a jog. This is one for the lap button.

Kerry and I look forward to seeing you there.


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