
Witham Running Club welfare officers are Andy Watson & Sasha Rush, they may be contacted at club sessions or via the contact page.

Affiliated to UKA, as a responsible athletics/running club, we adopt national welfare policies and procedures, adhere to the codes of conduct and respond to any suspected breaches in accordance with the Welfare Procedures. UKA welfare guidance documents can be found on their website.

Facebook Group Code of Conduct

Facebook Group code of conduct v1.0 07112018

In line with UKA Code of Practice and also in line with UKA’s own website, under this Welfare section we provide the following contact details for coaches and athletes as may be required:

Essex Police – You can dial 999 in an emergency or call non-emergency number 101 or alternatively, 01245 491491

Local Social Services

Juniors – 08456037627, out of hours 0845 6061212

Adults – 08457430430, out of hours 0845 6061212

NSPCC Helpline – 0808 800 5000 – 24 hour free and confidential telephone Helpline that provides counselling, information and advice to anyone concerned about a child at risk of ill treatment or abuse.