Meet at 6:45pm at Rickstones Academy CM8 2SD
Hi-Viz and/or running torch compulsory
Venue: Eastways Industrial Estate - next to Arnies Dog Groomers
What 3 words: ///brightens.wolves.maybe
Post on website and FB
Please see Latest News feed for full location and session details.
Come and run in Maldon even if you are not pacing.
The more WRC runners the better!
Meet at Wix Equestrian Centre CO11 2RU
Car share where possible
Welcome to Witham Running Club
We are a friendly bunch with more than 180 members and our club meets up at various places to train around Witham and the local area.
We provide a good mix of training programmes, a great social environment, but most of all we give respect, support, encouragement and equality to our fellow athletes regardless of how quickly or slowly they choose to run.
Our website is full of information, but the best way to find out about our club is to come and give us a no commitment try.