Speed Development 15/08/24 – Broken 5k

12 August 2024 - By Jodee Mayer

This week’s session is one we have done virtually before and also on the track – and this week we are taking it to Witham Park!

It is meant to cool down by Thursday but please bring a drink 🥵

Please meet in the usual corner of Witham Park (w3w location display.limitless.reheat) for 7.30pm, having done at least a 10 minute warm up (1-2 miles is ideal), where we will do some dynamic warm ups before starting the session.

The main session is to run the below series of efforts which in total will add up to 5k distance.

It’s a session for everyone, and if you would prefer you can drop one of the 1k reps or stop the session once you have been running for 30-35 minutes. Any queries speak to us before hand 😊

So you can programme your watches (we will do our best to time people’s recoveries but if you can programme please do!), the Broken 5k, efforts & recoveries as follows:

Effort Distances Suggested recovery for: 

Sub 20min 5k runners

  Suggested recovery for: 

20-25 5k runners

  Suggested recovery for:  

25min+ 5k runners

1,000m (2.5 laps) 1.30 1.45 2.00
1,000m 1.30 1.45 2.00

(2 laps)

1.15 1.30 1.45
800m 1.15 1.30 1.45

(1 lap)

1.00 1.00 1.15
400m 1.00 1.00 1.15

(Half a lap)

0.45 0.45 1.00
200m 0.45 0.45 1.00

(1 edge)

0.45 0.45 1.00
100m Work out finished Work out finished Work out finished

Pacing guidelines:

1,000s @ just over your 5k pace (so 5 mile or 10k pace)

800s @ 5k pace

400s @ just under your 5k pace

200s @ just under your 5k pace

100s @ strides pace

For me (at my pace with my length recoveries) this would look like this:

Recoveries are static/moving around/walking.

Once we have finished the session main part, we will run a cool down of at least 1 lap (people that finish earlier may want to do more!) and then some stretches.

As always any questions in advance of Thursday please let us know.

James and I look forward to seeing you there.



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