Winter 5k tonight – timings
11 November 2021 - By Jodee Mayer
Hi all
Firstly, a massive thank you to everyone that has offered to help marshal tonight.
If the marshals could come to the meeting point on Pasture Road (keep walking till you see us, but near the car park on the left as usual) for a hi-viz at about 7.15 and then head to their marshal points (as below) that would be very helpful. If you can no longer come tonight, let me know and I can rejig things.
We will start the 5k as close to 7.30 as possible. If any runners would like to do some warm up drills before the time trial starts, we will do these at 7.20 in the same place as above and then head to the start (further down Pasture Road from Tesco) just before 7.30.
Some of the street lights on Freebournes were out on Tuesday; we have added an extra marshal point in the area, but can you please ensure you have a hi viz and/or a reflective top and, if possible, a head torch or body torch for safety.
Marshal Points
A – Angela Read, Natalie Lilley and Jason Lilley – Freebournes Road near Moss Road. The streetlights are out and there are a lot of roots in the pavement. If you could spread yourselves out (in eyesight) and have torches if possible and keep a general eye on safety please.
B – Ann Johnson & Simon Cresswell – roundabout junction Freebournes Road and Colchester Road. Please direct runners onto the main road.
C – Suzie Low & Simon Scott – traffic light junction Newland Street and The Grove. Please direct the runners off of the main road and towards the Grove.
D – Patrick Hinchliffe & Andy Watson – roundabout junction The Grove and Barwell Way. Please guide the runners across the roundabout and alert them to traffic.
E – Pete Banks and Bethany Shippey – roundabout junction The Grove and Pasture Road. Please direct runners onto Pasture Road and towards lap 2 / the finish.
Start/Finish – Jodee Mayer, Sarah Naughton & Karen Flowers
Any queries or issues before tonight, drop me a message.
Otherwise, see you later – fingers crossed, but the weather looks like it is going to be kind to us!
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