Track Sessions?
21 February 2016 - By Martyn Byford
Following an agreement in principle at Committee, brought about by members enquiries, the Club are looking at the feasibility and interest from members in staging a Series of Training Sessions at the Braintree Track over the spring/early summer months on a Saturday morning starting at 9am.
The following dates have been chosen to avoid Summer Championship races and are; 30 April, 7 & 21 May, 4, 11, 18, 25 June and 9 July.
Obviously there is a weekly cost to hire the track which will be covered to a large extent by those attending and whilst it is difficult to be specific at this stage I hope it will be around £10 for the whole Series with those committing being asked for a one off payment.
The Sessions of an hour will be in the same format of 5 Segments; Warm-up, Drills, Main Session 30-35 minutes, Warm down and Statics.
These Sessions will be robust and attendees will run within their peer group over short distances embracing sprints, reducing recoveries, fartlek, pyramids and repartitions.
If you are interested and they are open to everyone, there is no further commitment required at present, then please email me with a 6 or 8 week preference.
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I’m definitely interested, as is Vic. Happy with either 6 or 8 weeks – whatever the majority verdict is. Any excuse to get a new pair of spikes…
I think this is a great idea Martyn. However I can only make 4 of the sessions at tops due to other commitments / races / triathlons etc. I’d still consider paying £10 for 4 sessions though. Cheers.
We’re also interested Martyn.
Definitely interested Martyn thanks.
Martyn are these sessions confirmed now? I noticed that there’s a category in the online payment section. Many thanks. Clare