Thursday July 4th – Faster 5k – Short Pyramids – Dancing Dicks
30 June 2024 - By Karen Flowers
We will be heading to Blunts Hall Road this week for the Dancing Dicks Short Pyramid session, as part of the faster 5k season.
Please arrive at 1930hrs at the football club where we will head off for our warm up run to the location, where we will do some dynamic stretches prior to starting the 30 min session.
The plan is we run quick short efforts of 30, 60 & 90 seconds out in the same direction up Blunts Hall Road towards Dancing Dicks Lane, and then 90, 60 & 30 seconds back down the way you came to get to roughly where you started – and we’ll do that 3 times so that’s 3 blocks of 30,60,90, 90,60,30. In between the sprints there will be standing recoveries of 30 seconds between each effort. There will be a longer 2 minute recovery after the 1st & 2nd block, when you get back to where you started.
The aim is to run the same pace going up as you do going down, at a 5k or faster pace. Be mindful though that whatever pace you choose will need to be continued for all 3 paces, so choose your pace wisely!!
The session structure can be programmed into your Garmin or other device but Sasha and I will also bring our whistles on the day as well.
FYI – as it is July 4th and American Independence Day – if you fancy – dress up in red, white and blue.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday!
Karen and Sasha
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