Results w/e 06/02/2022

7 February 2022 - By James Blackshaw

South of England XC Championships

Catch up result from last week. We had two runners, Pete Riley and Leo Cole, who took part in this regional championships at Beckenham. The course was 15km, and Pete finished in 1:03:21, while Leo was close behind in 1:04:06. To their eternal credit, both then turned out for the club at the NESS fixture the following day. Great work Gents!


Derbyshire XC League

Angela Wray was north of Watford for this hilly 5.5 mile XC race. She finished in 25th place, in 49:31. Good work Wraymondo.


Great Bentley Half Marathon

Plenty of WRC at this popular event yesterday. Yes, we all moaned about the wind, but in fairness it probably helped us on the way out as much as it hindered us on the way back, and there were enough PBs and decent performances to think that maybe it didn’t have that much effect. Special shoutouts to Pete Coates for finishing in 5th place, averaging 5:36 per mile, and to Shane Ketteridge for knocking 13 minutes off his previous best.

I’ve tried to capture all the PBs, but if you didn’t note it on Strava or else shout it in my face after the run than I may have missed it.

Three of us are using Great Bentley as our wildcard event for the Club Champs (Tables are updated, and the big news is James Blackshaw is in 2nd place), so please let me know if you’d also like to use this race as your wildcard.

Position Runner Chip Time Notes
5 Peter Coates 01:13:21
32 Heydon Mizon 01:18:39
44 Chris Martin 01:20:29
50 Andrew Smith 01:21:52 PB
131 Mark Austin 01:30:18
132 James Blackshaw 01:30:13 PB
193 Clive Smith 01:36:56 PB
310 James Attenborough 01:48:10
314 Sharon Bullock 01:48:50
381 Andrew Read 01:53:39 PB
404 Tom Warman 01:55:36
458 Clarice Sanderson 02:03:06
446 Shane Ketteridge 02:01:08
471 Ross Silverton 02:04:55
495 Anthony Smith 02:08:49
519 Karen Flowers 02:11:57
522 Michael Poulter 02:12:58





Thought For The Week: “The best revenge is living well.”

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