Pub runs – The Compasses, Gt Totham. A night of records.

6 July 2018 - By Stewart Waller

It was hot. It was tense. It was exciting. It was noisy. And then there was the running. It was (almost) a record; England won a penalty shoot out. It was definitely a record; 8 staying for food and only about 25, so I’m told, turning up for the run (I was inside watching the match). Our hosts, Alex and Hayley, put on a runners/football spread and were quite happy with the turnout having been advised that numbers might be down.

There is a semi final next Tuesday, which might be of interest – France v ?, but I expect that numbers will be back up for our run from The Compasses in Littley Green (CM3 1BU).

See you there.

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