Membership 24/25
21 March 2024 - By James Attenborough
As 23/24 draws to a close. I would like to thank all 198 of you for supporting the club in our 40th year.
As per the AGM, membership prices will remain as they have been for a number of years. The EA licence has increased by £2. We will allow the usual grace period up until the 31st of May for existing members to renew. You can do this by logging into the members area. For new members, just click join!
Whilst of course you can opt out of the EA licence, as per the club constitution, you must have renewed and bought an EA licence by the 30th of April in order to qualify for the London marathon place(s).
The place(s) is awarded to the club member(s) who achieve the most commitment points in the Club Champs in 2024 (and unsuccessful in the ballot). So be sure to enter the Club champ races and volunteer as much as you can in order to stand the best chance of representing WRC in London 2025.
Remember an EA licence normally gives £2 discount per race (more for Essex 20) so if you’re doing more than 9 races in 24/25 then it will pay for itself. EA membership also gives access to your runbritain profile and PO10 etc.
The annual (Apr-Mar 25) membership types and prices are as follows:
Individual Training £49 (inc EA licence) – This is our standard membership.
NB to any second claim members, please ensure you opt out of the EA licence as you can only be a licence holder with one club.
Non Training (aka Virtual membership): £34 (inc EA) This is designed for members who may live further away and/or can’t make any Tuesday or Thursday nights. You can also wear club colours and race in the usual XC races etc.
If you are currently injured/no longer a runner but wish to remain a member, then this one is for you. When you wish you rejoin us on club nights you can upgrade to full membership at any time throughout the year.
Student: £34 (inc EA) for any members in full time education.
Family: £50 (plus £19 for each EA licence) For members who reside at the same address.
Over 65’s: £29 (inc EA) Self explanatory.
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