May Day 5 – your club needs you!

14 March 2016 - By Marc Underdown

The sun is out, and spring is in the air?! That means that we are getting closer to the May Day 5 race on Bank Holiday 2nd May, starting at 10:00. As I’ve mentioned before, this race will the Essex Championship 5 mile race and is the first time that WRC has ever had this honour.

As many of you know from Boxing Day 5, it takes around 50 people to undertake the tasks for a race such as this, and therefore we need lots of volunteers from the club to fill these roles. Naturally we want to ensure this race ‘runs’ very smoothly to hopefully stand us in good stead to host an Essex Champs race again in the future.

There are lots of different roles: Course marshals, Water station volunteers, giving out water and T-shirts at the finish, giving out numbers at the number collection desks, parking marshals, Tail runner, tea/coffee making in the kitchen, and cake baking! These roles have a range of ‘on duty’ times, so hopefully I can accommodate requests for people who can only give up some time on the day.

Whether you’ve helped out at BD5 before or whether this would be the first time on this side of a race, I am confident that you can all do the club proud and ensure this race is a success. If you’ve got family members you can cajole into helping as well – get cajoling! If you are planning on running the race, then ideally we would ask if you can take on one of the ‘early’ tasks, or alternatively supply someone else to volunteer!

If you can help out, please let me know either by replying to this post, e-mailing me, or letting me know on a club night. Please let me know if there are any limitations to your time availability so I can match you to a suitable role.

Many thanks, Marc


  1. Andrew Notley says:

    Hi Marc, I can do it.
    Also, what date & where is the race where we are looking after the water station?

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