Hip Op but NOT the music kind!

26 July 2022 - By Colin Short

Hi All – on Tuesday, 26th July I am going into hospital for a hip replacement procedure. So I probably won’t be seen at the club for the immediate future. Did someone shout hooray?!

I will still be sending news reports in to the relevant papers but what I need is for photos at events so that if you have done remarkably well I can give you the kudos of your pic being printed for all the running world to see! Place them on the club website from whence I can download them.

In the meantime keep up the good work and I shall see you as soon as the old legs will allow!



  1. Kevin Slattery Kevin Slattery says:

    Good luck today Colsey, I hope to see you at the club again soon.

  2. Peter Banks Peter Banks says:

    Good luck mate.
    Hope you’re back up & running soon

  3. Dawn Shilling says:

    Good luck Colsey hope the OP goes ok and wishing you a speedy recovery soon rest up and take care

  4. Ross Silverton says:

    That is your best excuse to date for me beating you!!!
    Get well soon.

  5. Gerry Greenwold Gerry Greenwold says:

    Good luck Colsey. Hope all goes well and you’re on the mend soon.

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