Cross country familiarisation & training – Saturday 21/10
17 October 2023 - By David Jobling
Saturday 21/10 cross country familiarisation & training:
- 9.00 am meet.
- Albert Moss Playing Field.
- Church Rd, Rivenhall.
- Follow P sign in and park there.
- Post Code: CM8 3PQ.
- ///workbench.twig.tubes
- Additional parking back at lay-by.
- Location maps below.
Session similar last year but for those new to it or those wanting a reminder of how it goes there is more information under location maps below.
Lysia, Ian and I look forward to meeting up with everyone on Saturday, see you there! DJ
The Session:
We’ll be running a completely off road and undulating 1M loop between Rivenhall & Kelvedon.
Like other similar sessions, there will be some structure in that we’ll jog over to our starting point, finish getting warmed up and then athletes will be able to run at a pace entirely of their choice in and around the cross country loop of ups, downs & flats – last year athletes did either 2 or 3 individual laps with breaks in between or others ran 2 or 3 continuous laps – the loop is just a smidgeon over 1 mile so 3 laps will give you a 5k run out + warm up & jog back.
The H&S Stuff:
We’ll be on footpaths & bridle ways with other users and dog walkers so please extend our usual good courtesy and exercise care at all times.
At the time of writing, trail or off road shoes probs best. Will advise nearer day depending on ground conditions/weather on suitability of spikes or even road shoes.
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