23/11/2023 -speed development
18 November 2023 - By Maxine Leech
This Thursday Jodee and I will be running a new session for you all, the 400m Pairs….
The session is very simple, you will pair up with another runner of a similar pace and work together. Partner A runs the 400m loop of the estate whilst Partner B recovers, and then you swap over. The session will last for 30 minutes and at the halfway point there will be a 2 minute resting recovery for both partners.
Throughout the session you should be aiming for goal 5km pace or slightly faster, focusing on consistency throughout, meaning your final lap should be a similar pace to your first. The session will last for 30 minutes in total.
Please meet at Eastways Industrial Start for a prompt 7:30pm start, we will do some warm up drills before beginning the main session.
We really hope this is an enjoyable session and you have fun working in your pairs…we look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
Max and Jodee.
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