Thursday Training programme April to June 2018

27 March 2018 - By James Crisp

Aims for next 3 months:

The schedule for the next quarter is aimed primarily at training towards 5k and 10ks due to the predominance of shorter distance events coming up.

Please be aware that occasionally, due to unforeseen circumstances, sessions below are subject to change. We will aim to give as much notice as possible when this happens. Further session details will provided on the weekly website posts.


Date (Thursday) Session Coaches W/end Races
05/04/2018 Pyramid DJ & Karen Little Bromley 10K (8th)
12/04/2018 30 30s Martyn & Penny
19/04/2018 *Wildcard* Rach & James London Marathon (22nd)
26/04/2018 1K reps Emma & Steve
03/05/2018 Summer 5K – The Angel DJ & Sasha May Day 10 (7th – Mon)
10/05/2018 60 60s Graham & Penny Halstead Marathon and Baddow 10 mile (13th)
17/05/2018 River Walk Becky & James Magic Mile (18th – Fri) and Braintree 5 (20th)
24/05/2018 Race Pace training – Rickstones track (TBC) Tracey & Kerry HBO 10K (28th – Mon)
31/05/2018 Parklife Graham & Alex
07/06/2018 Summer 5K – The Angel Emma & Sasha Southend half (10th)
14/06/2018 Hills – The Orchards Becky & Kerry
21/06/2018 90 90s Martyn & Alex
28/06/2018 *Wildcard* Rach & Steve
05/07/2018 Summer 5K – The Angel Becky & Karen


  1. Becky Grimwood Becky Grimwood says:

    Please note – the ‘wildcard’ sessions are going to be something a little bit different. They are in the plan for the coaches to try a brand new session, or they may choose to focus on technique/ drills. The assigned coaches will provide more details nearer the time – I’m looking forward to them already!

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