Website Updates
10 November 2017 - By James Crisp
We have made a few minor updates to improve the website as follows:
Latest News Feed – Mobile Devices
There are now 6 latest news items showing on the home page, an increase from 4. There is a new a ‘Load more’ button at the bottom of the list which loads another 6 posts within the page. Once the 12 articles are then showing the button at the bottom of the list is ‘View all news’ which takes you to the News section.
We hope this will allow quicker access to latest news when the site has multiple posts within a short space of time.
Kit Items in Member’s Area – All Devices
Kit Stock levels will now appear as either ‘In Stock’ or ‘Out of Stock’ for each size. This is to make the Kit Secretary role easier to manage stock levels on the site as it will mean less admin.
Please bear in mind that this will mean a sight possibility that a member will order an item that shows ‘In Stock’ but the last item may have just been sold. Apologies if this does happen, but as we don’t have a full scale ecommerce system, it very much relies on our volunteer team members to manage the process as efficiently as possible. In such a case, a refund refund or delayed delivery can be arranged.
Team Entries and Volunteering for Events
We have now implemented a single point of entry for entering and volunteering for team events such as the Essex XC Champs and relay events. (This does not include 53-12 XC league.)
If you wish to enter to run in a Team Event please complete the form on this page:
(Once you have entered to run your name will appear on the same page below the entry form)
If you would kindly like to volunteer for marshalling type roles at our host races, please complete the individual form on the relevent page:
Essex Senior XC Champs 6th Jan ’18 (Marshalling)
(The volunteering forms pages can also be found under ‘Our Races’ > ‘Volunteering’ in the main menu.)
Any queries, please use the ‘Contact Committee Member’ link on the Contact page.
Thanks, James
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