Thursday Speed Development – Long Reps

12 April 2022 - By Jodee Mayer

Hi all

This week we have two options for our athletes; if you are marathon training, there is a 1 mile reps session and if you are not marathon training, you can opt for either the 1 mile reps or an 800m session for around 30-35 minutes.

We will meet at Eastways at 7.30pm. Please arrive having completed a warm up jog. We will then run some warm up exercises and drills as usual.

We will use the 400m loop as we have the two sessions running. We appreciate that this could get a little boring, but we can turn around and run clockwise for a change of scenery at half way 🙂

For both sessions, the recovery will be walking or static-ish at your preference.

Mile reps

The efforts should be run at no faster than 10k pace and you should be looking for your reps to be consistent in pace, or perhaps getting a little faster each time.

We expect that you will run somewhere between 2 and 5 reps in the session, with a 3 minute recovery between each rep. If you feel ready, you can shorten the recovery to 2 minutes, but not at the expense of maintaining your pace throughout the session.

800m reps with reducing recoveries

The efforts should be run at around 5k pace, or at “sub chatter pace”, and you should be looking for your reps to be consistent in pace, or perhaps getting a little faster each time.

We will run 3 x 800m with recoveries of 2 mins, 90s and 1 minute, followed by an additional 1 minute rest before starting again. If, on the second set, you think you might only do, for example, 2 more 800m reps, then start with a recovery of 90s. We can provide guidance on this on the night.

Please note that this is not a challenge to do as many reps as you can. It is okay to stop the session early if you can feel your form suffering and your head wobbling towards the end of the rep. If you feel good, and that you can maintain your pace, then feel free to complete another rep.

We will then run a cool down of at least 1 lap of the loop, with the last 100m walking to reduce the heart rate before some cool down stretches.

Any queries, let us know. We look forward to seeing you there.

James and Jodee


Please sign up below:

Speed Development Session

    • Lisa Leader, Marshall
    • Shane Ketteridge- Marshall
    • Colsey
    • Colsey – marshal
    • Leanne Andrews Run
    • Karen Flowers, Marshall
    • Andrew Read – Marshall
    • Angela Read, Marshall
    • Sarah Naughton – Marshall
    • Céline Marshall
    • Beth Shippey- Marshall
    • Fiona Collins – Run
    • Wally-run
    • Nadia – run
    • Lucy _ run
    • Clive Smith
    • Damien and Luca Walsh (both to Marshall)
    • James Montgomery – Marshall
    • Steffan Doherty (Run)
    • Geoff Reddin run
    • Nick O’Hare
    • Dawn Shilling – Run
    • Maggie Mason Run

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