Speed Development – Beeleigh Abbey Hills
6 June 2022 - By Jodee Mayer
The lighter evenings means we can start to venture out to some of our other speed development locations, and this week we are off to Beeleigh Abbey in Maldon for a hills session, sessions which are key to building strength and stamina.
We will meet in Tesco car park near the Click and Collect (marked in pink below) ready to leave by 7.30pm.
We will do our warm up jog together along the river to the Abbey, which is about 1.2miles. We will then do some dynamic stretches.
The location is lovely and quiet and there’s not much apart from a couple of houses at the end of the lane so we probably won’t see many cars, if any at all.
We will be running a hills pyramid session where we will use lamp posts to run further up the hill with each effort. Each lamp post is about 50m apart making each effort longer than the previous. There are 10 lamp posts all together.
Session overview:
- Out to the first lamp post at tempo pace (Tuesday night pace) or 10k pace
- Recovery jog back down the hill to return to the the start
- Then repeat the above 2 steps to the next lamp post
Whichever lamp post you get to after the first 15 minutes you will then repeat to return back down the pyramid with your efforts getting shorter until you return back to the first.
The session isn’t really one you can programme, so you will need to be on the lap button if you want to check your stats.
The weather is looking a little cooler this week, but the forecast is still for 19deg on Thursday evening, so please don’t forget to bring a drink.
Please sign up below to confirm your attendance and we look forward to seeing you there.
Max & Jodee
- Lisa Leader, Marshall
- Shane Ketteridge- Marshall
- Colsey
- Colsey – marshal
- Leanne Andrews Run
- Karen Flowers, Marshall
- Andrew Read – Marshall
- Angela Read, Marshall
- Sarah Naughton – Marshall
- Céline Marshall
- Beth Shippey- Marshall
- Fiona Collins – Run
- Wally-run
- Nadia – run
- Lucy _ run
- Clive Smith
- Damien and Luca Walsh (both to Marshall)
- James Montgomery – Marshall
- Steffan Doherty (Run)
- Geoff Reddin run
- Nick O’Hare
- Dawn Shilling – Run
- Maggie Mason Run
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