WRC members at the Notley Spring Duathlon
24 April 2016 - By James Montgomery
While a contingent of WRC runners were likely rejoicing at the cool conditions at Blackheath a smaller contingent were shivering at Notley Park awaiting the start of the Notley Spring Dualthlon. Alex and Liz Stuckey, Tony Wallen and myself took part in this early opener to the multi-sport season. The event comprising a 4kms run, 20kms cycle and a 4kms run to finish. Both run legs taking competitors over the hill at the bird.
The morning was not looking good, it was very cold with the wind picking up, making clothing choice the main topic of conversation and heavy overnight rain had made the roads slippery in places.
Liz set off in the first wave at 9:00, but a puncture on the second lap of the bike leg hampered her progress. Thankfully she made it to transition, if a bit slower than expected and picking it up on the second run finished 5th Female vet.
Alex, Tony and myself were all off in the second wave at 9:10. The field was soon split up with Tony finishing in the fastest Witham time, followed a few minutes later by Alex and finally myself.
Thanks to Theresa, Brigid and Paul for standing at the roadside to cheer us on in the cold wind!
All times and positions below
Liz Stuckey
5th Vet Female
16th Female Overall
Run1 – 17:42
Bike – 46:34
Run2 – 16:59
Overall – 1:23:44
Tony Wallen
17th Vet Male
32nd Male Overall
Run1 – 15:55
Bike – 39:40
Run2 – 16:44
Overall – 1:14:12
Alex Stuckey
34th Vet Male
53th Male Overall
Run1 – 15:54
Bike – 42:37
Run2 – 16:48
Overall – 1:17:44
James Montgomery
46th Vet Male
78th Male Overall
Run1 – 17:55
Bike – 42:59
Run2 – 17:58
Overall – 1:23:01
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