Sacre bleu! Three WRC Musketeers fight it out in the French Revolution.
13 June 2016 - By James Montgomery
In weather that was tres ‘orrible, three WRC musketeers took to their stallions and the hilly roads of northern France in the Wiggle Super Series French Revolution cycle sportive.
Paul Hedger, Rachel Pearsons and I joined up with 4th Musketeer and ex-pelotonista, Carl Hitching and were up at first light on Sunday to join the armada across to Calais to play our part in the invasion along with around 800 others. The French had other ideas and in a bid to thawrt our cunning plan, they fastidiously checked each and everyone of our passports, which threatened to become the next 100 years war.
Once on the road, the French resisted further by throwing a brutal 75 mile course at us wth some long and steep climbs and then came the weather. Mon dieu! The rain lashed down upon us, the wind picked up and the French seaking a final chance threw as much mud, grit and grime at us as they could muster. The invading party were struck with a thousand punctures, including Carl and me, but still we rode on and on to glory – all for one and one for all!
Now, caked in mud, but with the wind in our sails having successfully defeated the French countryside we took to the 50mph decent back into Calais and the final stretch to rejoin the fleet and home to blighty.
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