Track Sessions start Sat 20 May – 9am

15 May 2017 - By Martyn Byford

Track Sessions Start Saturday – 9am Braintree Track, Panfield Lane Braintree

Please arrive around 8.50 and pay £2 at reception unless you are a member of Fusion in which case it’s free. Then make your way to the track and start your warm up (laps of track).

I will adopt the same structure as last year so it’s Warm Up, Drills, Main Session, Warm Down and Statics. The main session will again be two 20 minute segments with a 3 minute refreshment interval and the latter will be more demanding than the former!

This week we will start with 400metre reps with emphasise on consistency with a spread between fastest and slowest of no more than 10 seconds (I will be recording!). Segment One will be pure 400s with a standing 1 minute recovery. Following the interval the 400s will be on a reducing recovery starting with 60 secs followed by 45secs and 30 secs and back to 60 secs 45, 30 for the 20 minutes.

A tough session and not for the faint hearted!

I will group runners into 3/4s based on ability. If you wish to switch groups during the morning then let me know and that will be done.

Please bring plenty of clothing to discard and then put on after. Water or Liquid refreshment is also a must.

The £2 covers track usage and we can use it for as long as we like but I envisage the session lasting around an hour.

Any questions please drop me a line.

I look forward to seeing you Saturday.



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