Thursday’s session – Gershwin Boulevard

13 September 2017 - By Steve Hennings

Folks, we’ve had to replace the drills session Thursday night, as we didn’t have a suitable venue to do them. We will be holding another session in the near future for members to attend, most likely on a Saturday.

In it’s place we’ll be heading down to Gershwin Blvd for a pyramid session.

Meeting at the Sports Centre at 7:30pm for the briefing, we will warm-up down to Gershwin Blvd to do some quick dynamic stretches before starting the workout.

The workout, which is suitable for all abilities, will consist of 2 pyramids of 1,2,3,2,1 minutes with 1 minute standing/walking recoveries and a 3 minute recovery between pyramids. We’ll work with a whistle to stop and start the intervals, but feel free to program your Garmin’s with the session.

With the Track 5k on Friday evening, if you are looking for a good time and also attending this session, you should dial your efforts back or risk not recovering in time.

For those not racing on Friday or at the weekend, you should base your efforts on your 5k pace. Running any quicker will only fatigue you very quickly, and the focus on Thursday’s session is around maintaining form at pace.

After cooling down back to the Sports Centre, we will end the evening with some static stretches.

Hi-Viz is compulsory now that the evenings have drawn in, so please come prepared. We will take a car down to Gershwin’s for you to store clothing and drinks bottles in.

Graham and I look forward to seeing you.

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