Thursday Training programme July to Sept 2018

2 July 2018 - By James Crisp

Aims for next 3 months:

The schedule for the next quarter is aimed primarily at training towards 10k to 10 mile distances, beginning to build endurance whilst maintaining speed.

Please be aware that occasionally, due to unforeseen circumstances, sessions below are subject to change. We will aim to give as much notice as possible when this happens. Further session details will provided on the weekly website posts.


Date (Thursday) Coaches Session Location W/end Races
5/7/18 Tracey/Karen Summer 5K The Angel – Kelvedon
12/7/18 Emma/Karen Hills (up technique) Beeleigh – Maldon
19/7/18 Becky/Alex Summer 5K (handicap) The Angel – Kelvedon
26/7/18 DJ/Steve Pyramids Dancing Dicks
2/8/18 Emma/Sasha Hills (down technique) The Orchards
9/8/18 Martyn/Penny Park Life Witham
16/8/18 Graham/James 400m reps River Walk (light permitting)
23/8/18 Becky/Tracey Fartlek Chelmer/Armond loop 26th – Mersea 5ML/10ML
30/8/18 DJ/Martyn/Penny 600m reps Location TBC
6/9/18 Emma/Steve Fast 300s Location TBC 9th Langham 5K/10K
13/9/18 Graham/Sasha 30 30s sharpener Location TBC 16th Pleshey HM
20/9/18 Becky/Karen The Train Gershwin 21st (FRI) WRC track 5K
27/9/18 Tracey/James 800m reps Location TBC

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