Thursday session – 90 sec hills

18 April 2018 - By James Crisp

Our Thursday sesson this week will be in memory of John Roberts and was one of his favourites – 90 second hills.

Please meet 1930 at Witham Leisure Centre for our session intro before we head off to Armond/Chelmer junction for our easy warm up run, dynamic stretches & drills.

The main session itself will consist of 30 minutes of hill repeats using the length of Chelmer Road starting at Gimson Close to the top where the road meets Armond Road near the shops. Each effort will be ran as quickly and close to 5k pace as possible for 90 secs with a jog recovery back down Armond for recovery, back round to Gimson Close. Anyone running in the quicker groups may need to extend left at the top of Chelmer Road onto Armond until they fulfil the 90 seconds.

The technical point will be to focus on arm drive and shorter steps, using arms to help get up the hill more efficiently. Also keeping your head up to improve your breatheing.


It’s going to be hot, hot, hot tomorrow compared with what we’ve been used to, so please make sure you bring plenty to keep hydrated.

The session is suitable for all abilities and will help your leg strenth and endurance. The only people we don’t expect to see for this session are London marathoners or anyone who has completed a marathon in the last 2 weeks.


We will have a car at session base camp for you to leave items/drinks/layers during the session.

Looking forward to meeting up for our session Thursday.

Rachel & James.

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