Thursday evening efforts session – The Orchards

17 August 2016 - By Emma Austin

Hi all, looking forward to seeing you tomorrow for our popular hill session at The Orchards. Lets meet in the car park opposite St Bartholomew’s Church Wickham Bishops, Church Road, CM8 3LA for a quick debrief at 19.30.

We will be running in our usual groups following a warm up in the car park followed by a short jog to the Orchards where the main session will be held. Essentially the aim of the session will be for you in your groups to attack the hills (going up) with your recovery being the decent. There are 2 hills which you will alternate between with a period of recovery in between each loop.

Please be aware that we must run on the public footpaths as the orchard itself is on private property. The session will last for 30 minutes.

On checking the weather it looks like its going to be warm so please bring adequate hydration and from experience insect repellent is also recommended. There will be an area where drinks and personal belongings can be placed.

As Mrs Stuckey highlighted at Tuesday evening announcements you cannot set your Garmin/GPS devices for this session.

We welcome anyone of any ability to attend these sessions, there is lots of support and encouragement so if you haven’t tried a Thursday night session before please do come along and dip your toes.

Alex and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow

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