Speed Development – Thursday 14 July 2022
11 July 2022 - By Jodee Mayer
This week’s speed development sees the return of the Scott Darney devised Moneghetti Pyramid.
As we would like to use whistles, we are taking a return to Eastways this Thursday – please meet at 7.30pm at the usual spot (CM8 3YS) having completed a warm up jog before meeting, though we will ask you to run 400m round the loop before starting the warm up drills.
**PLEASE NOTE** It is likely to still be very warm on Thursday evening – likely approaching “no drink, no run” territory, so please bring a drink with you to the session.
Following a similar structure to the Moneghetti Fartlek, the session plan is as a follows:
- 4 x 60s with 60s recovery after each effort
- 4 x 30s with 30s recovery after each effort
- 4 x 15s with 15s recovery after each effort
- 4 x 30s with 30s recovery after each effort
- 4 x 60s with 60s recovery after each effort
The mathematically gifted amongst you may have noticed that this has increased the usual Moneghetti session from 20 minutes to 26 minutes, but it is still a short and sharp session.
The aim would usually be to start out at 5k pace and progress the pace on the shorter efforts and then regress back to 5k pace. However, given the heat, you may want to dial this back and the actual pace is not hugely important and focus should be on making the shorter efforts faster than the longer efforts – so that the pace chart looks like a pyramid.
If you want to programme paces into your watch, you can use a recent race or time trial time and use the McMillan pace calculator for guidance.
After the session, members who want to do a cool down jog home should please ensure that they undertake some cool down stretches afterwards. For those of you driving home, we will run cool down stretches after a cool down jog/walk of at least 2 loops.
Beth and I look forward to seeing you there.
- Lisa Leader, Marshall
- Shane Ketteridge- Marshall
- Colsey
- Colsey – marshal
- Leanne Andrews Run
- Karen Flowers, Marshall
- Andrew Read – Marshall
- Angela Read, Marshall
- Sarah Naughton – Marshall
- Céline Marshall
- Beth Shippey- Marshall
- Fiona Collins – Run
- Wally-run
- Nadia – run
- Lucy _ run
- Clive Smith
- Damien and Luca Walsh (both to Marshall)
- James Montgomery – Marshall
- Steffan Doherty (Run)
- Geoff Reddin run
- Nick O’Hare
- Dawn Shilling – Run
- Maggie Mason Run
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