Speed development session 24th March
23 March 2022 - By Becky Grimwood
The Speed Development session this week will be a familiar one for you all…but with a twist. Let’s call it ‘marathon loops’. Please don’t worry….you don’t need to be doing marathon training, this as ever is suitable for ALL. Read on dear runners…..
The location : Chelmer/ Armond.
Meeting point : The grassy bit by Asda – please complete around a 10 minute jogging warm up before this.
The session :
Loops starting from the point marked on the map. All the way (steady up) around Chelmer, then (steeper down) Armond to the starting point. Around 950m.
Recover for approx HALF the amount of time a rep takes you – see the guidance below.
Repeat loops for half the session.
Here’s the twist – at the half way point, we will all reverse and run (steep up) Armond, then (steady down) around Chelmer. This will mean pacing is absolutely key to having enough energy in the tank to start your second lot of reps on a steeper incline, with tired legs. And here is why I’ve dubbed these ‘marathon loops’…. Running on tired legs is an essential part of training and mental preparation.
Pacing :
Complete these loops in similar pace groups where you can – but always be mindful not to be pulled along too quickly (or held back). You need to be finishing each rep feeling like you’ve run ‘comfortably hard’. More on this at the session.
Recover by walking on the grassy area/ path, keeping clear of runners coming down the ‘hill’ and obviously clear of the road. We advise your recovery length to be approximately half the time it takes you to complete the effort segment. As an example, an 11m/m runner will take approx 7 mins, so around 3 ½ mins recovery. A 6m/m runner will take approx 3:45 and therefore will need just under 2 mins recovery. IF you are fully recovered and know you will complete the next rep in the same pace, you may cut it slightly shorter, but we would always advise on the side of caution and adequate recovery.
Complete as many reps as you can in 30 mins – aim to complete each rep at an overall consistent pace. It is always best to start cautiously and speed up if you can, rather than go off too quickly and tire mid-way through the session. Depending on numbers, there may be the option to stay on for an additional 10-15mins if you are marathon training and wish to extend the effort phase of the session. Please don’t opt for this if you are new or returning to these kinds of sessions.
Cool down stretches will be held at the ‘start’ of the loop, or at the warm up area, depending on numbers.
Have fun and see you there!
Becky and Beth
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