Speed development 27 July

23 July 2023 - By Jodee Mayer

Thursday is a speed work session based at the River Walk. The session will be approximately 400m reps along 2 different out-and-back sections of the River Walk, starting at the viaduct. This is an excellent session to test yourself and to improve your speed.

Running in  pace groups, you will be set off on one section of the River Walk, running approximately 400m before a 1 minute static recovery, for 15 minutes. You will then get a 2 minute recovery whilst you swap over to the other section for a further 15 minutes of 400m efforts with 1 minute static recovery.

After completing your own warm up jog, please meet near the viaduct on Armond Road (in the area marked in pink below) for 7.30pm where we will do some warm up drills.

If you are racing at the weekend, this session is fine for you to do, but please slow your pace accordingly and do ask us for guidance if you are unsure.

Please remember to bring a drink and BUG SPRAY – we are running along the river so make sure you have covered yourself in bug spray before you come.

We look forward to seeing you there

Jodee & Karen

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