Brighton Coach Trip – final details
31 July 2016 - By Joanne Smythe
Hello all,
Just one week to go until our jaunt to Brighton, so here are the final details for everyone. The coach will be leaving Witham from the lay by / bus stop adjacent to the Mill Lane Long Stay carpark opposite Morrison’s. Departure time is 0800 so please aim to be there in plenty of time to pay fo parking if needed. I have booked a table for 15 at Donatello’s restaurant at 6pm. Could everyone who wishes to eat there please let me know ASAP in case I need to increase the booking. The coach will pick us back up at 2130 to return to Witham. There are still places available on the coach so if you are at a loose end, why not join us?
See you on Tuesday,
Jo Smythe.
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Please note it should read White Horse Lane not Mill Lane, everyone. 🙂
please book me a place at Donatello’s