The Anchor Trail Pub Run – 5.8 ml
R – Right TR – Turn Right RHFE – Right hand field edge FB – Footbridge
L – Left TL – Turn Left LHFE – Left hand field edge RD – Road
X – Cross FC – Field Corner WP – Waymarked post SA – Straight Ahead
EP – Enclosed Path FSD – For Some Distance FP – Finger post KG – Kissing gate
1: TL from pub car park, TR into Runsell Lane, in 250yds TR into Twitty Fee, in 280 yds, TR at hidden FP into EP. ignore paths L & R, X field, X road into narrow path (FP), At FP, TR & XFB into wood, TL at WP, exit wood and TR on path, Follow path FSD (golf course on L).
2: X RD, X stile SA into EP. Enter wood on wide path. In 40 yards, TR on narrow path. Ignore path joining on L. Follow path as it twists and turns. XFB and continue with path uphill, ignoring joining paths on L & R. TL with path (fallen trees on R).
3: Continue on path, ignoring path on L. At tree fork, bear L, continue on main path. X stream and BR. At uphill fork, TR. TR and exit wood to join RHFE. TL at road. In 20 yards, TR, X FB and TL on LHFE. Thru gap and continue on LHFE. At hidden WP, TL thru gap to join RHFE. SA on gravel track.
4: X RD. SA on gravel track. In 10 yards, TR at WP to join LHFE. In FC (WP) SA into wood. X FB. SA at WP. X FB. Pass WP and exit woods. TL on LHFE. At WP, X field to join LHFE (WP). At WP, TL, X FB. Follow path a’X field. Enter wood. Ignore path on R. X FB, exit wood joining LHFE uphill. SA on path a’X field. SA thru gate into Churchyard.
5: SA on path thru Churchyard. Thru gate, X RD and thru gate into field. SA a’X field (aim for wooden gate in the distance). Pass gate, SA on gravel track. SA at WP. TR at track junction (WP). Becomes tarmac track. At WP, TL following line of trees. X RD, following path uphill. SA at wood corner (WP). In 20 yards, TR (WP) into wood. Follow waymarked path thru wood. SA a’X tee to WP. Continue SA a’X golf course. TL at red sign and immediately TR, X FB to join LHFE. In FC, TR on LHFE.
6: Follow path a’X field to join RHFE. At gravel track, TR. Follow track past buildings. Bear L thru farmyard. 10 yards after FP on R, TL on path a’X field. Becomes EP. Ignore paths L&R. At road, TL. TL into Runsell Lane, TL at T junction and follow road back to pub.