The Anchor Danbury Road

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The Anchor Runsell Green Road – Road 5.5 miles

Turn left from Pub Car Park and turn immediately left into Runsell Green.  Cross A414 with care straight ahead into Hyde Lane (0.1 mi).  Turn right into Mill Lane (0.55mi).  Turn right into Gay Bowers Lane (1.2 mi).  Turn left into Copt Hill (1.25 mi).  Turn left into Penny Royal Lane (1.5 mi).  Bear right into Penny Royal Lane (1.6 mi).  Turn right into Woodhill Road (1.8 mi) keeping on LHS road for safety.  Turn right into Well lane (2.1 mi).  Turn left into Bell Hill (A414) (2.4 mi).  Cross road at Zebra crossing and continue left on footpath.  Turn right into Riffhams Lane (2.6 mi).  Turn right into Riffhams Chase (3.3 mi).  Turn right into The Ridge (3.9 mi).  Turn left into Runsell Lane (4.6 mi).   Continue left on Runsell Lane (5.0 mi). Turn left into the street and follow back to pub.