Rickstones Route D

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Rickstones – Route D

L from school, then L on Rickstones Rd, then turn R on Forest Rd. At the bear R on Cypress Rd.

Turn L at end, go over the railway bridge. X at Zebra crossing and CONT to Morrison’s RDBT. Bear R down B1018.

At next RDBT continue (X carefully) and then bear R onto Collingwood Rd at next RDBT.

Bear R on Guithavon Valley, then turn R into Armond Rd. Turn L around Chelmer Rd, then turn L back on to Armond Rd.

Turn L down Highfields Rd. Turn R at bottom up Spa Rd. At RDBT, turn R down Chipping Hill.

Turn L into Church St, then at end of one-way, turn R into Chalks Rd. X RD at Zebra crossing, then turn L up Braintree Rd. Bear R up Rickstones Rd, then turn L into Conrad Rd and finish at school. 4.4 miles


L from school, then L on Rickstones Rd, then turn R on Forest Rd. At the bear R on Cypress Rd.

Turn L at end, go over the railway bridge. X at Zebra crossing and CONT to Morrison’s RDBT. Bear R down B1018. *try to stay on L side of the road*

At next RDBT continue (X carefully) and then at next RDBT turn L, then bear L into Avenue Rd.

Turn R onto main Rd, then turn R down Guithavon St. Turn R up Guithavon Valley, then turn L into Armond Rd. Turn L around Chelmer Rd, then turn L back on to Armond Rd.

Turn L down Highfields Rd. Turn R at bottom up Spa Rd. At RDBT, turn R down Chipping Hill.

Turn L into Church St, then at end of one-way, turn R into Chalks Rd. X RD at Zebra crossing, then turn L up Braintree Rd. Bear R up Rickstones Rd, then turn L into Conrad Rd and finish at school. 5.4 miles


L from school, then L on Rickstones Rd, then turn R on Forest Rd. At the bear R on Cypress Rd.

Turn L at end, go over the railway bridge. X at Zebra crossing and CONT to Morrison’s RDBT. Bear R down B1018. *try to stay on L side of the road*

At next RDBT continue (X carefully) and then at next RDBT turn L, then bear L into Avenue Rd.

Turn R onto main Rd, then turn R down Guithavon St. Turn R up Guithavon Valley, then turn L into Armond Rd. Turn L around Chelmer Rd, then turn L back on to Armond Rd.

Turn L down Highfields Rd. Turn R at bottom up Spa Rd. Add Humber loop. At RDBT, turn R down Chipping Hill.

Turn L into Church St, then at end of one-way, turn R into Chalks Rd. X RD at Zebra crossing, then turn L up Braintree Rd. Bear R up Rickstones Rd, then turn L into Conrad Rd and finish at school. 6.1 miles