Prince Louis – Great Notley pub run
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- With the pub behind you turn left
- 0.2miles turn left opposite Tuffed Close keeping the Green to your left and down the trail path
- 0.35 miles Turn right at the end and follow the path to the end where you turn left onto London road
- 0.60 miles Follow London road all the way to Tortoiseshell Way, please TAKE CARE when crossing the junctions as you go under the A120
- 1.5 miles Turn right into Tortoiseshell Way (TAKE CARE on uneven footpath)
- 1.8 miles bear left onto the footpath follow footpath to end and turn left into Godlings way, follow Godlings way until junction with London road and Turn left.
- 2.8 miles, repeat points 5&6
- 4 miles TAKE CARE and go back under the A120 and back up London Road
- 4.5 miles Turn Right into Queenborough Lane and follow until just past Washall Drive on your right
- 4.7 miles turn left into footpath and follow for approx 0.7M back to the pub. Total 5.4Miles
Short Option, avoid point 7 = 4.2Miles