Prince Louis – Great Notley pub run

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  1. With the pub behind you turn left
  2. 0.2miles turn left opposite Tuffed Close keeping the Green to your left and down the trail path
  3. 0.35 miles Turn right at the end and follow the path to the end where you turn left onto London road
  4. 0.60 miles Follow London road all the way to Tortoiseshell Way, please TAKE CARE when crossing the junctions as you go under the A120
  5. 1.5 miles Turn right into Tortoiseshell Way (TAKE CARE on uneven footpath)
  6. 1.8 miles bear left onto the footpath follow footpath to end and turn left into Godlings way, follow Godlings way until junction with London road and Turn left.
  7. 2.8 miles, repeat points 5&6
  8. 4 miles TAKE CARE and go back under the A120 and back up London Road
  9. 4.5 miles Turn Right into Queenborough Lane and follow until just past Washall Drive on your right
  10. 4.7 miles turn left into footpath and follow for approx 0.7M back to the pub. Total 5.4Miles

Short Option, avoid point 7 = 4.2Miles