Chapel Inn, Coggeshall – 5.2m Trail

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Location Instruction
Chapel Inn Walk away from pub on Stoneham Street down Market Hill, towards Café Bijou & The White Hart on East Street and to Legends Grooming Lounge on it’s corner with Bridge Street
0.00 miles Start run into Bridge Street keeping to left hand side, over road bridge and up hill
0.24 Right at turning for Grange Barn (Brown sign) and proceed on Essex way for 1 mile
1.24 Turn left off the Essex Way at gap in hedge follow footpath (signed) across field
1.66 Cross tarmac road (Cuthedge Lane) follow footpath (signed) keeping banked earth on left
1.86 Arrive at concrete bollard and turn left into Pantlings Lane as passing second bollard
3.00 Turn left across footbridge to leave Pantlings Lane and follow footpath (signed) across field
3.08 At gap in hedge bear left on path keeping hedge on your right hand side – do not go thru gap
3.40 Cross concrete road and follow footpath (signed) around fenced workyard on right hand side
3.50 Exit footpath and follow tarmac track to left and then ahead, pass Scrips Cottage on right follow track to T Junction
3.70 Turn right to exit track onto tarmac road Cuthedge Lane – black railings on right
3.76 At grass triangle junction turn left thru no entry sign into one way traffic road
3.90 At T junction + 30mph sign, cross road (CARE B1024) slightly to right and proceed down Pointwell Lane
4.00 Follow public footpath sign across cattle grid towards white door straight ahead, turning left at white door, over bridge and through gate into river meadow, follow footpath keeping river on left hand side, crossing footbridge over river & weir.
4.40 Cross style at locked gate, proceed ahead & then join Essex Way turning right
4.50 Having turned right briefly onto Essex Way, then turn left at footpath corner continuing on Essex Way towards East Street, Coggeshall
4.67 Cross concrete track and continue straight ahead on footpath – Essex Way – subsequently signed
4.85 Exit footpath onto East Street, turn left along East Street keeping to footpath on left hand side to pedestrian crossing (do not continue on Essex Way thru Park)
5.18 Arrive at pedestrian crossing and end of route, Chapel Inn over to right!