WRC at the National Triathlon Championships and Worlds Qualifier

3 July 2017 - By James Montgomery

On Saturday Alex and Liz Stuckey and Stuart Mills were again in Tri action, this time venturing up to Ripon in Yorkshire for the Olympic Distance event that doubled up as the National Championships and a qualifing event for the World Championships, meaning there’d be a quality field amongst the 1200 competitors.

The, unusually late, afternoon start suited Liz very well, however, the 1500 meter swim was set in a lake full of reeds that you had to pull and push your way through, making this not the nicest of swims.

Into T1, where Liz had to find her number belt and glasses that some other kind and considerate competitor had decided to knock on the floor, then out on to the bike course, which was an out-and-back 40kms route and quite busy over the first and last 5kms with riders having to slow down due to traffic conditions. The weather conditions hampered progress too, with side winds for part of course making for some interesting moments with handling and a strong headwind over the last 5kms.

Finally onto the run, which had a scenic enough course, part of which was off-road and along a canal path, to the finish. Liz had a great run off the bike, posting the 9th fastest in her category on her way to her best for the Olympic distance and, beating Alex in overall time, even though he posted faster swim and bike times.

Well done Liz!!

Stuart Mills
Swim:     00:28:15
Bike:       01:08:34
Run:       00:42:17
Overall:  02.22:09

Swim:     00:32:46
Bike:       01:16:44
Run:       00:45:43
Overall:  02.38.07

Swim:     00:30.13
Bike:       01:12:05
Run:       00:53:33
Overall:  02.39.38

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