Dedham 10k

18 September 2017 - By Colin Short

This is not a course for a PB and this can be seen by the fact that only three club members made the effort! Those being myself, Kev Harper and Ros Silverton. The start, unlike last week’s Langham 10k is quite fast and not too congested. Last week I went through the first k in 5.15 and this week I was 30 seconds quicker! I ran reasonably well but faded in the last 3k. Kev Harper finished 42nd in 43.07, I was 160th in 51.55 and Ros Silverton was 211th in 54.47 in a field of 427 finishers. As Ros commented at the end: “I don’t remember them hills being there last year at 3k and 7k!” Still we made the top half of the field!

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