BD5 Beat the Pud WRC Results

27 December 2016 - By Anita Grainger

On a Beautiful sunny Boxing Day WRC put on its annual BD5 event. This year ‘Beat the Pud’ & social media publicity attracted a record number of 480 entrants which is fantastic. Early shift WRC volunteers arrived at 8am to start the day off and set up, followed by the army of WRC volunteers at various times with race entrants starting to arrive from 9.30 onwards, all ready for the 11am start.

After various duties 27 WRC members & family took part including our very own ‘pud’ Heydon, who by all accounts, had great fun starting the race with the leaders and giving them all a little scare by running with them for the first few hundred metres and then slipping back to let more of the field beat him. Conditions were great apart from the slight headwind on the road out of Witham, however, this was compensated by slight wind ‘assistance’ on the final 2 miles back into Witham.

Scott Darney was our first man home in 30.37, Becky Grimwood our first lady in 45.06 and Alex Waring our first junior in 38.10 full results below.

Well done all & to all the volunteers who Alex has already thanked in a separate post. There have been some lovely comments and thank yous on Facebook. I know lots of participants had an enjoyable experience resulting in a few potential new members… Go team WRC!

Some of us had fun running the course today for the BD5+1 annual run in cold sunny conditions with no wind at all. This time nobody beat the pub as Heydon whizzed off leaving the rest of us marvelling in wonder, although we were able to see him in the distance across the fields!

Please let me know if I’ve missed anyone from the list below & any PBs

Position Name Time
22 Scott Darney MO 30:37.6  PB
36 Leo Cole M50 31:43.3
39 Sean Darney MO 32:07.2
65 Andrew Lager M40 33:40.7
67 Steven Watson MO 33:50.2
103 Kevin Harper M40 36:04.6
124 Shawn Beckerleg M40 36:58.3
130 Paul Thomas M40 37:12.2 PB
147 Alexander Waring U18M 38:10.9
165 Colin Short M60 38:58.7
226 Dave Holdich MO 41:36.3
228 Ross Silverton M60 42:04.6
233 David Toombs M40 42:30.5
260 Peter Trawny M40 43:32.4
263 Henry Trawny U18M 43:55.2
276 David Beckerleg M60 45:10.5
286 Becky Grimwood FO 45:06.1
305 David Grainger M50 45:54.3 PB
309 Haydeh Safavi F45 46:09.8
295 Heydon Mizon M40 46:16.3
313 Karen Flowers M40 46:35.3
330 Jane Noble F45 47:22.4
339 Rob Grimwood MO 48:32.1  PB
348 Ruth Mizon F35 49:20.5
372 Victoria Levine F45 51:39.6
383 Brigid Lager F55 53:13.0
393 Michelle Leeding F55 55:18.2


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