Essex Way Relay – Final Instructions for Sunday

1 September 2017 - By David Hunt

Some final instructions to ensure that Sunday goes as well as possible.

We have a final table of runners attached to this email below, so please do make sure you’re familiar with your times and where you need to be. If you haven’t had time to recce, please look at the maps on the Essex Way website and make sure you know your start and finish points. They should be obvious but if not there is a grid reference at the top of each instruction sheet which you can type into the box on the left of the following webpage to see where you need to be:

When you are at your start points (which should be at least 15 minutes from the kick-off, but I would suggest 30 mins), please make yourself known to the organisers of the leg so they can ensure you are ticked off and get a position at the end. You shouldn’t need to make yourself known at the end of the leg as a couple of weary runners are pretty easy to spot and their order recorded, but do make sure you finish at the right place and someone has seen you before you take a well-earned rest.

It is not a timed race and is based on finishing position, similar to cross-country. Other scoring rules and general etiquette are set out on the forum here: Please do obey them, you can be disqualified for a serious breach.

You must wear your club kit and you must have your team number on the front – 45 for team A and 46 for team B.

Any problems on the day, my number is 07894705085.

The results will be announced in the Hanover Inn near the end of leg 10 as soon as possible. I may or may not be there depending on how tired I am by that point!

Finally, and most importantly, stay safe, help each other and enjoy representing the club.


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