53-12 Cross country Sunday 14th Ipswich. Cake bakers.

11 January 2018 - By Bill smythe

The next cross country will be hosted by Ipswich Jaffa and will be held at the Suffolk Food Hall (SFH).  (See www.suffolkfoodhall.co.uk). The SFH (Post Code: IP9 2AB, UK Grid Ref: 166 408) is signposted from the A14. Leave the A14 at the last junction on the western side of the Orwell Bridge and take the A137 towards Ipswich and at the first roundabout take the B1456. Very soon after passing under the Orwell Bridge turn right into SFH. Upon arrival please follow directions from our parking marshals. (No parking is allowed in the usual SFH car-park).

Please try to car share where possible as parking is limited. We will have the club gazebo there to keep bags during the race.

Please try to arrive by 10:15 and let myself and / or Anita know so we can put you on the entry list.

Races start at:

10.00am JUNIOR FUN RUN – for school years 3 to 12. (at 1/9/17), over 1.5 miles.

10.45am SENIOR RACE (must be aged over 15) over 5 miles.

Further details on the club website through the links at the bottom of the page for 53-12.


A thank you to Emma, Becky & Dawn who kindly offered to bake cakes.

Bill & Anita

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