WRC Pub Run, The Jolly Sailor, Heybridge Basin 12/07/2022 7pm

11 July 2022 - By James Attenborough

This week we will be taking in an old favourite from Heybridge Basin. Unfortunately, the kitchen closes at 6pm so there is no food option this week.

Unfortunately Daisy Meadow Car park (just a few mins walk from the pub) is no longer free but is just £1.50 for two hours parking, there is no parking directly outside the pub. So lift share is recommended. I believe it uses the RingGo parking app.

They also normally close at 8pm but this week they are staying open till 9pm for us, so please make it worth their while!

It also one route (It’s from the Old Ship which is next to the pub) only this week. There is a trail option but it’s narrative only and given the predicted heat it might not be wise to take on a Quarter Marathon.

That link is below if people want to do that.

The Ship – Heybridge pub run


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