WRC Notley Parkrun Takeover – Thanks to All
11 June 2017 - By Anita Grainger
As the rain threatened to get heavier we headed over to Notley country park early on Saturday morning thinking this could be a wet one. However, our fears were unfounded as after a cloudy start the sunshine appeared in time for the run.
A big thank you to everyone who came along and volunteered yesterday. The parkrun seemed to go off without any incidents and our gazebo and flags were on proud display. In true WRC form we had cakes for all the runners thanks to Kayleigh, Hayley and Tracey for baking them.
Everyone got stuck in and ran their posts well which makes me proud of WRC. I had a new PA system to play with as run director and managed to remember key points ( I think!) and announced our pacers and tail walker on their way to the finish. Thanks to Danny Connor who stepped in as a pacer at the last minute due to an unforeseen circumstances and did a great job for the camera 😊 & to Simon Dove who was ready to step in to pace when Geoff got delayed in traffic but managed to make it.
On the pacer front they were mainly pretty spot on with Mark Austin getting the closest at 25.57 as the 26 minute pacer and Bill Smythe a close second at 30.04 as the 30 minute pacer. Out of the 292 runners we helped 62 achieve new PBs which is great news!
As we know the parkrun couldn’t have taken place with all the many volunteers we had from marshals, new runners briefing, timekeepers, funnel managers, scanners, finish tokens, photographers, set up and take down and run director. Listed below are all the volunteers who made the event possible, so we should all give ourselves a pat on the back, well done. I’ve also included the pacer times.
I’ve included a few pics, the rest are on Great Notley Parkrun’s facebook page.
Run Director | Anita Grainger |
New Runners Briefing | Emma Sweeney |
Pre-event Setup | Mark Austin |
Pre-event Setup | Danny Connor |
Post-event Close Down | Everyone |
Timekeeper | Jo Smythe |
Timekeeper | Graham Eyre |
Finish Tokens | Brigid Wallen |
Finish Tokens | Sophia Elliott |
Finish Token Support | Mike Turner |
Funnel Manager | Tracey Denby |
Barcode Scanning | David Grainger |
Barcode Scanning | Nicholas Grainger |
Barcode Scanning | Edward Grainger |
Marshal | Becky Grimwood |
Marshal | Jen Mayes |
Marshal | Emma Sweeney |
Marshal | Anne Johnson |
Marshal | Anthony Perkins (non WRC) |
Tail Runner | Colleen Rae |
Photographer | Mike Eldred |
Run Report Writer | Anita Grainger |
Cakes | Kayleigh Carr, Halyey Ellen, Tracey Denby |
Pacers | |||
20 | David Hunt | 19.47 | 2 PBs nearby |
22 | Owen Dare | 21.5 | 1 PBs nearby |
24 | Vicky Hunt | 23.51 | 6 PBs nearby |
26 | Mark Austin | 25.57 | 5 PBs nearby |
28 | Tanya Nash | 28.11 | 2 PBs nearby |
30 | Bill Smythe | 30.04 | 3 PBs nearby |
32 | Geoff Reddin | 30.53 | 4 PBs nearby |
34 | Danny Connor | 33.52 | |
36 | Kayleigh Carr | 36.05 | 1 PBs nearby |
38 | Dave Howard (Non WRC) | 37.58 | 1 PBs nearby |
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