WRC Notley Parkrun Takeover – Sat 10th June….. it’s nearly here!

9 June 2017 - By Anita Grainger

It’s parkrun eve ……. parkun takeover day is nearly upon is…. excited, nervous, or is that just me ?!

Thanks to everyone who’s volunteering, below is the final list.  Can all the pacers wear either the club kit or the club training tops.

Location: Great Notley Country Park, Great Notley, Essex, CM77 7FS. Below is the link to Notley’s site.


Please aim to be at the park by 8.00am to help with set up and preparation. Pacers should arrive by 8.30 latest. We will have the club gazebo and flags on proud display as well. If anyone would like to bring cake along it will be most welcome.

See you there!

10th June
Run Director Anita Grainger
New Runners Briefing Emma Sweeney
Pre-event Setup Mark Austin
Pre-event Setup Danny Connor
Post-event Close Down All avail
Timekeeper Jo Smythe
Timekeeper Graham Eyre
Finish Tokens Brigid Wallen
Finish Tokens Sophia Elliott
Finish Token Support Mike Turner
Funnel Manager Tracey Denby
Barcode Scanning David Grainger
Barcode Scanning Nicholas Grainger
Barcode Scanning Edward Grainger
Marshal Becky Grimwood
Marshal Jen Mayes
Marshal Emma Sweeney
Marshal Anne Johnson
Marshal Anthony Perkins (non WRC)
Tail Runner Colleen Rae
Photographer Mike Eldred
Run Report Writer Anita Grainger
20 David Hunt
22 Owen Dare
24 Vicky Hunt
26 Mark Austin
28 Geoff Reddin
30 Bill Smythe
32 Tanya Nash
34 Kayleigh Carr
36 Bob Taylor
38 Dave Howard (Non WRC)
Cakes Kayleigh CarrHayley Ellen

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