Website user profiles

21 December 2015 - By James Crisp

All senior member profiles have now been sent out to you via email. There were originally some technical issues preventing logging on but these have now been sorted. If you have not yet received your login email, it could be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. You have a family membership (see below).
  2. You have a junior membership (see below).
  3. We don’t have the correct email address for you.
  4. Your new user email has ended up in spam folder.

Family membership

If you have a family membership you will only receive an email to a selected email account know as the ‘lead’ member. This is to ensure that when it comes to membership renewal time in March that each family only renew once for all of their related members at the same address.

If you would like an additional senior member account for another family member to allow them to access the member’s area and comment on website posts under their own name, please request this via the contact page using ‘Other’ in the dropdown menu.

Junior member accounts

We are currently compiling a list of emails for parents of juniors within the club so the adult can also have access to the member area features. If you haven’t yet been asked for this please liaise with Tracey or Shawn at training or via the contact page.

Password reset

All accounts have initially been set up with a secure password. If you don’t want to keep it, you can change it on the login page by selecting the ‘Forgot password’ option. This will ask for your email address to be entered and you will be sent a reset link via email so you can choose your own.

Update your profile

Unfortunately, when we uploaded all of the member data to create the user accounts some of the DOB entries were set to 1970 – for some people that may be an improvement (;-) but please update this when you log into the website. You can also add further details if you see any of the fields missing and also additional family members as these have not been added. This will help for a quicker renewal process in March.

Any problems, please let me know – Cheers, James

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