Updated WADA Regulations – How This Affects WRC

1 April 2022 - By James Blackshaw

As part of the updated WADA Regulations for 2022 all athletic clubs are now obliged to administer random drug testing for their club members at both external & internal races. This will include any UKA registered race, the NESS XC events, and our own internal 5k races.

Members will be picked randomly to take part in the drug testing, so please don’t be offended if you get asked to participate. Refusal to provide samples when requested can incur a fine of up to £104. We need to achieve a target of testing at least 23% of our runners at any given event.

We are in the process of purchasing a pop-up medical tent facility that can be set up at any of the races. The participating members will then be asked to provide a urine sample in the presence of a witness (this will be a committee member). If the urine test provides a positive result, you may be asked to further provide a blood or stool sample (again, in the presence of a witness.). Samples will be sent to a central lab and processed within 24hrs.

A positive test can incur a ban from all UKA competitions for up to 3 years, so please take this seriously.

For any questions on the testing process please contact Andy Notley.

Thanks for your co-operation.


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