Tuesday Social Run 01/02/2022 , Rickstones Route A, 7pm
31 January 2022 - By James Attenborough
We are back for our last month at Rickstones before the summer pub runs begin!
Please also note that today is the last day to sign up for the dinner/dance! It’s a great night and amazing to see everyone dressed in their glad rags!
WRC Dinner and Dance 12th February – Witham Running Club (withamrc.org.uk)
You can arrive from 6:45 for a 7pm start. We are running Route A
Please see the routes section of the website for further details.
Please wear high viz/reflective wear as usual.
Please respect social distancing, if you wish to wait outside then please feel free to do so. Whilst facemasks are no longer compulsory in schools, you are of course free to wear them if you choose.
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