Transferring race numbers

28 November 2016 - By Marc Underdown

Some of you may have seen the relatively new website for the endurance section of the Essex Athletic Association (there is a link at the foot of the homepage). Within it is some useful guidance about transferring race numbers, and I’ve copied the relevant parts below. The basic rule is that you should always contact the race organiser to transfer places in order to stay on the right side of the rules.

Running a race using somebody else’s number without informing the organiser is strictly prohibited. 

The race organiser may not allow number transfers.

Running in somebody else’s name apart from being against the rules damages the integrity of the results, can affect team results and age category winners and have health and safety implications in the event of an accident.  Any member known to run in another runner’s number may be subject to race sanctions. You may also be banned from taking part in other races as outlined below.


(iii) Numbers are issued to the individual athlete completing the application form except with the specific authority of the Competition Provider. Athletes who receive transferred numbers without permission will be disqualified from the race. Both runners will be subject to disciplinary action by the appropriate National Association.


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