Membership Update/Social Media

31 January 2016 - By Martyn Byford

As we enter the last month of our running year it is worth pointing out that 2015/16 has proved to be a record breaker in more ways than one with Senior Membership at 200 which is a big increase on the previous best of last year and Juniors at 48 up 20%.

Consequently Summer Pub Run attendances were at an all time high which has carried on into the Winter Programme where we have consistently had over 70 on a Tuesday and on  Thursdays attendances have been tremendous which has been very rewarding for the Coaches. Last week we had an all time Thursday high of 37 on Eastways for Tracey’s 800 metre session.

Sunday’s on non XC days have also been well supported with 23 at Morrisons this morning.

It may be a coincidence but the increases could in some way be reflected in the emergence of Social Media at the Club in the forms of Strava and Facebook ?

On the latter a big thank you to James Crisp who has a full time task welcoming and authorising newcomers into our FB Group.

Strava is an excellent tool allowing those who cannot always get to the club keep in touch with others training and exchange banter whilst at the same time letting people know what they are doing. Thanks to James Farren  for setting that up.

We currently have 55 members in that group and to appear in the weekly top 20 you typically have to be active in either running, cycling or swimming for around 3 hours 40 minutes a week which is quite something!

Lets hope the numbers continue to rise from 1st March and the start of a brand new Witham Running Club year.

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