28 March 2023 - By James Montgomery
Please join myself and Maxine for this week’s Speed Development Session which will be the undulating 800s on the loop around Cromwell and Chelmer Road in Witham.
We will meet at the yellow circle shown below at 7:30pm and perform a warm-up and dynamic drills and then start the session which will comprise single loops of Cromwell Way, left at the top down Chelmer and then come back round.
We also strongly advise you to do a 10 – 15 minute light jog beforehand, for example 2-3 laps of the session loop.
For the session, you will perform roughly 3-6 reps and have a 2 minute rest in between each rep with an aim to make the session last approximately 30 minutes.
The target pace for each rep is your target 10k pace so slightly quicker than your pace on Tuesday if you use this as a tempo run.
Please sign up using the form below to allow us to keep a track of who is attending.
Thanks and see you all on Thursday!
James and Maxine
- Lisa Leader, Marshall
- Shane Ketteridge- Marshall
- Colsey
- Colsey – marshal
- Leanne Andrews Run
- Karen Flowers, Marshall
- Andrew Read – Marshall
- Angela Read, Marshall
- Sarah Naughton – Marshall
- Céline Marshall
- Beth Shippey- Marshall
- Fiona Collins – Run
- Wally-run
- Nadia – run
- Lucy _ run
- Clive Smith
- Damien and Luca Walsh (both to Marshall)
- James Montgomery – Marshall
- Steffan Doherty (Run)
- Geoff Reddin run
- Nick O’Hare
- Dawn Shilling – Run
- Maggie Mason Run
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