Thursday Speed Development – Thursday 5th January 2023 – Fast 200’s
4 January 2023 - By Scott Darney
What: Fast 200s
Where: Eastways Industrial Estate
When: 7:30pm, Thursday 5th January
Happy New Year everyone!
We start the year with a short and sharp session and a favourite of Laura Muir – Fast 200s!
It is a very simple session.
- Run 200m fast
- Walk 200m recovery
Repeat for 30 minutes!
We will use the below section for the fast 200m and the second half of this circuit for the walk recovery:
Things to rememer for this session before you start and some guidance for pacing:
- As this is a speed session, it’s important to make sure you are properly warmed up before you start. We will run you through a specific warm up drill but please perform a short warm-up jog prior to the warn up drills.
- The recovery is intended to be a walk and NOT a jog. The walk recovery should enable you to run the 200m intervals at a decent pace.
- The pace guide is 1 mile pace but if you don’t know what this is, just try and go faster than your 5k pace.
- I would advise against programming this into your garmin as a session and instead manually lap your watch at the beginning and end of each rep and then review your data afterwards. It is not exactly 200m and your garmin also won’t be 10% accurate.
- Don’t use your garmin pace as a guide either as it is harder to look at your watch when you are running fast but more importantly, it is likely to be inaccurate. Instead note the time it takes you to run the first rep and try and run the rest of the session within 1-2 seconds of this first rep.
- With this in mind remember not to go off too hard too early! The goal is consistant 200m intervals.
Kerry and Scott look forward to seeing you all there!
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