Thursday Speed Development 1/9
30 August 2022 - By David Jobling
For our speed development session this week we’ll be at The Orchards location in Wickham Bishops.
Meet 7.00pm latest please in car park opposite St Bartholomew’s Church, Church Road, Wickham Bishops CM8 3LA where we are expected, we’ll do a warm up jog down to The Orchards at 7.00pm on the dot where we’ll do warm up drills and briefing.
For those not familiar with the area or who have not done a session there, please see location maps below.
There are ongoing road works in Wickham Bishops around Church Road & Blacksmiths Lane altho it is possible to get by the road closure signs for access to the church and car park, if however travelling from Witham then the best route is via Mope Lane which is to the right off Blue Mills Hill after Benton Hall and the bridge.
The earlier start time is a Thursday one-off so we can do the scheduled session within available daylight and our aim is to get everyone back up to the car park before 8.00pm – if anyone is unable to make it please let me know if you would like details of another session to work on.
The session main part itself will be repetitions and standing recoveries around the ups, flats and downs of the two slightly differing distance loops we use of appoximately 480M and 350M – so speed development, hills and cross country training all in one, what’s not to like?
Details on pacing, recoveries and technical points will be given during our briefing.
For those looking to record & review on Garmins (or other devices), it’s a session suited for “the button” due to the approximate distance of each loop.
We’ll be running on public footpath areas within The Orchards, please be mindful and considerate of other footpath users. Terrain in The Orchards is grassy and very dry footpaths at the moment so usual road running shoes should be adequate or light trail shoes perhaps, the ground may be a bit hard to take a spike.
It looks like being a bit warm later in the week so please bring drinks to remain well hydrated during the session, also hi viz and lights are recommended (please) in the event daylight runs out on us on the way back up to the car park – there’ll be somewhere to leave things you don’t need during the session itself.
Sign up is somewhere below…., Karen and I look forward to meeting up with everyone Thursday. DJ
- Lisa Leader, Marshall
- Shane Ketteridge- Marshall
- Colsey
- Colsey – marshal
- Leanne Andrews Run
- Karen Flowers, Marshall
- Andrew Read – Marshall
- Angela Read, Marshall
- Sarah Naughton – Marshall
- Céline Marshall
- Beth Shippey- Marshall
- Fiona Collins – Run
- Wally-run
- Nadia – run
- Lucy _ run
- Clive Smith
- Damien and Luca Walsh (both to Marshall)
- James Montgomery – Marshall
- Steffan Doherty (Run)
- Geoff Reddin run
- Nick O’Hare
- Dawn Shilling – Run
- Maggie Mason Run
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